Bulletin Board

Girls Scout Cookies – 3-16-25

Girl Scouts are back with in-person cookies sales. You can locate the closet cookie booth at Every cookie purchase funds camping trips, service projects, cookie season runs through March 16th.

Brookings Hoop Fest – 03-15-2025

It’s a 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament…. Brookings Hoop Fest, it’s for Boys and Girls K to 8th grade, March 15th, visit the website or email

DNUSD – Preregistration

Del Norte Unified School District is having registration for PreSchool, TK, and Kindergarten. You can now register you child at

Emblem Club Quarter Craze – 02-22-25

It’s a Quarter Craze for the Crescent City Emblem Club #175 at Elk Valley Casino, Presale tickets at DN Office Supply for $5 dollars, $8 dollars at the door. Doors open at 5pm, auction at 6pm, to find out more call 707-954-1093.

Curry County Extension – 02-22-25

There will be a Marine Debris Educator Workshop, Saturday, February 22nd from 9a to 4:30p, it will be held at curry County Extension office in Gold Beach, Target grades are 4th to 8th grade, but all are welcome.

Chetco Players – 02-23-25

The Chetco Pelican Players present Keep on Laughing, at the Chetco Playhouse, 1240 Chetco Ave., tickets are $15 dollars for adults, $7 dollars for students. For ticket info and more call them at 541-469-1857.

VFW Garage Sale – 02-26-25

It’s the VFW Hall Indoor Garage sale, vendors are wanted, Registration is February 26th, Sale is on March 1st, at the VFW hall, Sign up today…… to find our more call the VFW at 619-916-8344.

Lighthouse Quilting – 03-01-25

Are you interested in making quilts? Come join the “Adventures in Quilting” classes, it’s at the Lighthouse Quilt Guild Building, 201 Del Norte Street, Crescent City, 10am to 2pm, $60 dollars for each session.

SWOCC and Curry Library – 03-03-25

SWOCC and the Curry Public Library present  the Portable Planetarium in Gold Beach at the Curry Public Library, Monday, March 3rd from 4pm to 6pm, there will be a pop up Storytime from 6p to 6:30pm. To find our more call 541-247-7246.

DN County Rec. Dept. – 03-12-25

Del Norte County Recreation Teen League for Basketball, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30pm to 10 pm, or Volleyball Sundays and Tuesdays, 5pm to 10pm, registration is March 12th, team sponsorship fee, $200 dollars, for more call 707-464-7237

Soroptimist International – 03-13-25

The Soroptimist International of Crescent City present, Advancing Human Trafficking Prevention and Crisis Intervention, March 13th from 8:30am to 3:30pm, lunch included, $60 dollars per person, for more call 530-356-1877.

DN County Rec. Dept. – 03-19-25

Del Norte County Recreation will have an adult basketball program, Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays, 5pm to 10pm, register by March 19th, team sponsorship fee, $600 dollars, to find out morecall 707-464-7237.

CASA of Del Norte – 03-22-25

It’s the CASA of Del Norte Crystal Ball, a benefit for Casa of Del Norte, Saturday, March 22nd at 5p, catered by Seaquake. There will be music, dancing and a auction. For more info, go on line to

DNCCC – 03-31-25

The Del Norte Child Care Council will be having a SafeSitter Class, learn Safety skills, child care skills, First Aid and Rescue Skills, and Life and business skills, $25 dollars, March 31st from 9:30am to 3pm, for more call 707-464-8311 x227.

Redwood Conservancy – 04-05-25

It’s the Run in the Redwoods 5k, join the 12th year, Saturday, April 5th at Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, starts at 10am, $25 dollar each, $50 dollars with limited t-shirt, kids under 12 are FREE. To find out more call 707-464-9151.

Coast Guard – 04-27-25

There will be a Basic Boating Safety on May 3rd, from 9a to 5pm, it’s 8 hours at the Coast Guard Station in Brookings, course cost is $40 dollars, register by Sunday, April 27th, 408-203-2428.

City of Brookings – 05-05-25

The Azalea Festival 2025 will have “Brookings Got Talent” it will be a new Sunday event. For fun and a safe event for the whole family, Enter by May 5th, for talent show ideas, call 541-469-1102.

DN Class Reunion – 07-05-25

It’s the Class of 2005’s 20 year Class reunion coming your way on July 5th. Got to the Facebook group to find more information on the Class of 2005’s reunion at 707-951-4899.

Brookings Harbor Community Helpers – TFN

Brookings Harbor Community Helpers need your help, they want to keep our community warm, dry and fed, they are asking for Clothing, baby clothes, men and women clothes, gloves, jackets and more, call them and ask how you can help, 541-469-6988

Curry Public Library – TFN

It’s the Curry Public Library’s weekly story time on Thursdays at 10am, it’s free and open to the public, designed for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and the whole family, 94341 3rd street in Gold Beach.

Smart Workforce Center – TFN

The Smart Workforce Center presents Workshop Wednesdays; unlocking opportunities for growth and excellence, there will be a Resume lab, interviewing tips, and job search. For more info call the workforce center, 707-464-8347.

Coastal Connections – TFN

There will be Free Art classes, every Monday, 4p to 5p, space is limited, there will be intro to watercolors, pen and ink and mixing media, at Coastal Connections, for ages 14 to 24, for more call 707-464-3191 ext 2840.

Wildriver Dance – TFN

It’s Salsa on Mondays, learn to dance with Amy, she will teach you lessons, from 6:30pm and 7:30pm at 1190 Chetco Ave., Brookings, to find out more, call 817-823-0684.


The Del Norte Harvest Box is available, DNATL will bring the Farmer’s Market to you, seasonal and local produce, 4 to 6 vegetables, fruits, locally sourced protein, all with local delivery and pickup available. To find out more go to

UIHS Klamath services – TFN

UIHS will be offering women, infant and children services at the Klamath Clinic, 241 Salmon Ave., the first Tuesday of each month from 8a to 5p, and at the Elk Valley Offices, 2298 Norris Ave on the second and third Tuesday of each month. To find out more call 707-825-5030.

Smart Workforce Center – TFN

Grow your own workforce by becoming a work experience partner with the Smart Workforce Center, Give back to the community by providing valuable work experience. Smart covers 100 percent of the wages for participants. To find out more call 530-246-7911.


Take pounds off sensibly club, known as TOPS Club meets every Thursday morning from 8:30am to 9:30am at the Chetco Activity Center, 500 Chetco Lane in Brookings, to join or to find out more information, call 541-251-2349.

Historical Society Lighthouse – TFN

The Del Norte County Historical Society is looking for volunteers to help give tours of Battery Point Lighthouse; it’s for 1 to 2 days a week between 10a and 4p. To find out more call 707-464-3922.

Del Norte Women’s and Men’s Golf Club – TFN

The Del Norte Golf Club has an opportunity for men and women in the area, it’s the women’s and men’s golf club and they are looking for you. If you would like to join, for the men’s club call Sean at 707-954-4513, for the women’s call Stormy at 707-458-4462.

Coastal Hospice -TFN

Coastal Hospice is now open in Crescent City, Call to inquire about In-Home services and volunteer opportunities to be referred or to seek a referral from your health care provider 707-460-6191

Del Norte Child Care Council – tfn

DNCCC will have free car seats and car seat rentals call or stop by their office to make an appointment to have your child’s safety checked for proper fit and installation or to see it you qualify for a free car seat. Call 707-464-8311.

First Five/Family Resource Center – TFN

Family Resource Center and First 5 will have a Diaper Giveaway, Mondays, 12:30p to 5p, Tuesday to Friday, 9a to 5p and Saturdays, 10a to 2p. This will be at FRC of the Redwoods, 494 Pacific Ave., Crescent City, for more info, call 707-464-0955.

Family Resource Center of the Redwoods – TFN

The Family Resource Center of the Redwoods has their food distribution Pantry services open every Thursdays from 2p to 6p, every Friday from 2p to 4p and the 1st and 3rd of each month from 11a to 1p. For additional information, 707-464-0955

Redwoods Wonder Forge – TFN

It’s the First Tech Challenge, Students in grades 7 to 12 with teams up to 15 members. They are tasked with designing, building, programming and operating robots. To find out more call 707-232-5787

Coastal Home Health – TFN

It’s a Grief Support Group, Free of charge and open to the general public. It’s the 4th Tuesday of every month at 3pm at the Del Norte Senior center, 1765 Northcrest Drive, Crescent City, to find out more call 541-469-0405.

Addie Meedom House – TFN

Addie Meedom House will have an OPEN HOUSE on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from 10am to 1pm. Addie Meedom House is a 1445 Parkway Drive, Crscent City, for more information call 707-464-3311.